I have turned into my mother.

Tuesday, September 4

We may or may not have already bought our christmas tree decorations.  It's September. (As of late, Hobby Lobby & I have been the best of friends.)

My mother made her "Christmas 2012" Binder in February.  Oh how I wish I was kidding.  (The kicker: She literally makes a full fledged 2 inch, 3 ring binder!!)  She started printing out infinite Christmas ideas and Christmas crafting nearly right after.  Their kitchen table was covered with drying Christmas coasters all summer.  They are still currently occupying their newly claimed territory. 

It's a disease.  And genetic.  I wish Christmas could last all year.  I would be content.  Nothing beats the perfectly made hot chocolate from the cocoa motion,  homemade candy, homemade stove top potpourri, warm comfortable sweats, fuzzy socks, christmas music 24-7 (starting the day after Halloween), and the spirit of giving swirling around the world.   

Christmas is the Usain Bolt of holidays.

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