
Wednesday, March 28

yeah, i wasn't a loser at all..

ready to take on the world.

heart thumbing love! from the blondie in the back.

i'm merely a floating head.  in SEVERE pain.

sometimes we go uncle buck style and literally hand wash

We're a disgrace.  we eat watermelon like a bowl.

My no pants watermelon downing hoe


dear rob,

you are the ice-t to my svu.  & can i say i miss you?
i'm writing this poem just for you.  so you can see what i want to do.. with you.
my heart is full for your no pants ways.  i want to see your face the rest of my days.
i am not a writer, can't you see?  but i want you to make me laugh until i pee.
you're still fresh in my eyes.  although, all we do these days is go get fries.
our friendship is dwindling upon a thread.  you call me married but you could call me dead.
i am just joking, you could say.  all i hope is that i made your day!

Yours truly, 

b.d. wong

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