the first day of forever.

Friday, January 6

August 6th, 2011.  Another beginning.  This was the day that I married my best friend in the entire world.  I can 100% surely say that I, Caitlin Naulu, am the LUCKIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD!! It will be the day when I can finally realize that I am sealed to the one and only Dallin Ray Naulu for time and all eternity!!  I love every minute I spend with him and I love the person he makes me want to become.  He is already the perfect husband (because if he can put up with me, he is surely a champ) and I know he is going to be an amazing father and a worthy priesthood holder in our home.  I can't wait to eat our lives away and grow old together! At the end of a dreadfully busy summer full of work, planning, and trying to keep my Dall roped into this whole ordeal, it was so nice to go through the temple and finally have it all come together so perfectly!  I wouldn't change a thing about this amazing day.  It was absolutely glorious in every sense of the word! My family and friends are absolutely amazing and they dropped everything in a second to help me out.  My good old friend Robbie Anne Nielsen is who I need to thank the most, she has been such a great example to me throughout our entire friendship and I love her with my whole heart!  She is the most HILARIOUS, spiritual, generous, kind, loving, charitable person I know! I love you Robbie Anne, you will always be my ICE-T! 
Word G-mon.

Little did we know that we were about to be stuck in traffic for 2 hours 
on our way to salt lake.  Yeah go figure right? 
Leave it to my luck to have a traffic jam on our honeymoon night!

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