lazy chicken alfredo.

Wednesday, March 7

Cheap, Easy, and Delicious!  What more could ask for when living
as humble newlyweds! 

What you'll need:
A Crock Pot.  (Truly a necessity)
3-4 Chicken Breasts
1 Cube Butter
1 Package Good Seasons Italian Dressing Mix
I can of cream of chicken soup
1 8oz package of cream cheese softened
Pasta, any kind. (my personal favorite is linguini)

Place chicken breasts in a sprayed crock pot. 
(I usually thaw mine just a bit before)
Cut butter into slices, and place on top of chicken
Sprinkle dry dressing over the top and cook on low for 4-5 hours
 (At this point I just set the cream cheese by the crock pot to start softening)
Remove chicken and cut into pieces of your size preference
After removing the chicken, I start boiling water for the noodles
In the crock pot add 1 can of cream of chicken soup, and pack of cream cheese
Whisk all together and the juice left from the chicken should thin down the sauce
If extra thinning is needed,  add a little milk to get desired consistency
(I prefer the sauce a little thinner so more times than not I add a bit of milk)
Add the chicken back in and heat through
Serve over pasta of your choice! 
Goes great with a side of veggies!
  Our personal favorite is seasoned asparagus cooked in the oven.

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